Dear Parent/Carer
Blackburn with Darwen working in partnership with Intack Primary School
Intack Primary School and Inclusion Team are working together to improve school attendance.
Intack Primary School will now consider using the Fast Track to Improving Attendance Pathway in partnership with the local authority to assist schools and families in managing and promoting good school attendance.
An indication of a student having difficulties is often visible through their school attendance. Our experience tells us that there are a variety of reasons why children are off school. These may include instances of ill health, feelings of being behind with work creating worry, anxiety, lack of motivation due to being out of routine, financial difficulties, parental separation etc.
If we can identify any of these issues at an early stage, it is our aim to ensure that the appropriate support can be put in place for our children, young people and their families.
We know that regular school attendance is vital for children to achieve their full potential both academically and socially.
The Fast Track to Improving Attendance Pathway encourages us to work together to ensure each child’s attendance is at an acceptable level and where appropriate enable you to seek support through the school and other services to assist in improving your child’s attendance. In essence this is an early intervention strategy aiming to prevent absence becoming entrenched and to enable children to attend school regularly and on time.
The pathway runs for 8 weeks to assist parents in making attendance improvements.
Failure to make improvements could lead to prosecution in the Magistrates Court and result in a fine of up to £1000.
Where a family is considered for the Fast Track to Improving Attendance Pathway, we will write to you directly to inform you, and at that point you will receive further information regarding the process.
If you are currently experiencing any difficulties with school attendance, please speak to us at the earliest opportunity to try and resolve the issues.
Yours sincerely.
Alison Ashworth
Acting Headteacher
Fast Track to Attendance Pathway process (6 - 8 weeks)
What is it?
Fast Track is a time-focussed model of best practice, which concentrates on early intervention in cases of persistent non-attendance. It aims to ensure a fast, effective approach to the implementation of strategies to tackle non-attendance and the underlying causes.
Fast Track involves engaging the parents and specifying what improvements need to be made over a fixed timeframe – usually 6- 8 weeks.
Where no improvement is made within the specified timeframe, legal proceedings may be initiated in the Magistrates Court.
What is the threshold for the pathway?
• Attendance is 80% or above but less than school’s expected level of attendance over a 10 -week period, with unauthorised absences of 10 sessions or more. This may fall over 2 terms.
• Family may have previously received an FPN and may have previously been prosecuted for failing to secure their child’s regular attendance at school.
• There are no known additional factors or complexities e.g. case is not open to CSC, support services, child has mental health issues, EBSA etc.
• School have made attempts to support the family in improving attendance which have not been successful, or there is persistent and evidential non-engagement.
• School have held/attempted to hold a meeting with parents to discuss their concerns and the possibility of Fast Track Intervention pathway being implemented.
Fast Track to Attendance Pathway process
All cases that school are considering for the Fast Track to Attendance pathway must be discussed with the Inclusion Officer at the termly meeting* and agreed that it is the most appropriate measure to assist in improving attendance. Schools will need to present the Inclusion Officer with the attendance data, evidence of attempts that have been made to resolve the attendance issues and demonstrate that parents have refused to engage with support or have not made any sustained attempt to improve attendance.
*this allows for time to gather evidence of poor attendance before the termly meeting
Case is agreed: school to send 1st letter (fast track pre-referral letter) to parents after school have met, attempted to meet with parents to discuss their attendance, to commence the process and provide parents with the pre-referral information, and supporting leaflet.
Case is not agreed: school need to initiate further support and/or referrals to appropriate agencies.
The school will write to the parents of identified pupils, inviting them to discuss attendance issues and arrange a meeting. At this meeting, or in the letter, school should discuss the reason for the meeting and Fast Track to Attendance Pathway. The letter should also stipulate the legal responsibilities and implications of the pupil’s absence from school.
At the meeting, parents will be advised that legal action can be initiated at that time.
However, if the pupil and parents agree to address the poor attendance immediately, prosecution can be deferred for up to 8 weeks whilst on the Fast Track to Attendance pathway.
During the meeting, the pupil and parents will have the opportunity to give reasons for poor school attendance – the school will attempt to resolve any school-based issues raised.
Before the meeting concludes, parents will be informed that the pupil’s attendance must have no unauthorised absences during the 8-week fast track period.
After the initial 10 school days on pathway, the pupil’s attendance will be reviewed by school and the Inclusion Officer. If there is sustained improvement the pathway will be continued, and attendance monitored for a further 10 school days.
It will be for schools to agree and authorise any absences in accordance with The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (
If, however, there are continuing unauthorised absences during this time, then the Fast Track to Attendance pathway will continue as below.
Week by week
Week 1
• School to send 2nd letter (introduction) to parents
• School to monitor attendance for 10 school days
• Where improvements have been made; that is no absences or any absences are authorised by the school, monitoring to be continued by school for a further 10 school days.
• IO to discuss case with legal team to inform the family is on the pathway.
If there is no improvement within 10 school days:
Week 3
• School to send 3rd letter (initial warning) to parents
• Further monitoring for 10 school days
• Where improvements have been made; that is no absences or any absences are authorised by the school, case to close to IO and monitoring to be continued by school.
If there is no improvement within 10 school days:
Week 5
• Inclusion Officer to send 4th letter (fast track warning letter) to parents
• Where improvements have been made; that is no absences or any absences are authorised by the school, case to close to IO and monitoring to be continued by school
If there is no improvement within 10 school days:
Week 7
• Inclusion Officer to send 5th letter - notice of intention to prosecute
• IO to discuss case with legal team and prepare documentation.
When and how to close a case
Consideration can be given to issuing an extension letter (7th letter) if attendance is improving but is slower than anticipated/further absences are authorised and/or there are exceptional circumstances for the absences etc.
Where a pupil’s attendance improves, and a decision is taken not to proceed to Court then the Inclusion Officer and school will write jointly to the family to inform them that their progress has been successful and the outcome i.e., no legal action will be taken.
Case closure codes
ATI – attendance improves
COURT – case has progressed to court
SCH – closed at the request of school e.g. further information has come to light
What if attendance deteriorates?
If the case is closed and pupil absence subsequently deteriorates, then the school will re-refer the case to the Inclusion Officer to consider next steps.