‘Talk for Writing’ by Pie Corbett is the sequence of writing we use to teach our children to write. This sequence enables children to see how the different elements of writing come to together. Children learn the pattern of language through ‘story-telling', learn the components of a text by ‘boxing-up’ the story/ text type and are taught the grammatical features and skills required to successfully write in the style of the chosen genre or author.
Writing is taught through the use of high-quality texts and we encourage our children to use and develop inference skills, build on vocabulary, have exposure to a range of punctuation and grammar and use the opportunity to engage with and ‘lose themselves’ in these exciting age-appropriate texts.
English teaching is based around themes or topics that children can relate to, this ensures that children are given a real-life purpose for writing, with the aim of developing enjoyment of writing.
Children are taught to explore the writing structures and features of different genres, identify the purpose and audience, plan and write an initial piece of writing with a clear context and purpose before going on to evaluate the effectiveness of writing by editing and redrafting. Teachers model the editing process as well providing good quality (written and verbal) feedback. Children are given the time to edit and redraft their work and pupil conferencing allows for verbal discussions on how to further improve writing.
Every classroom has an ‘English working wall’ these are updated regularly and are designed to support and encourage independent writing. English working walls are also used to promote and celebrate a love of writing.
Teachers will provide children with the opportunities to embed their skills in writing through additional cross-curricular writing opportunities.
Handwriting is taught three times per week in KS1 and KS2.
Ipads and fine motor resources are available for children who need to develop their fine motor skills before moving on to using a pencil.
In KS1 children will move on to using pencil and workbooks for handwriting activities. In KS2 we encourage children to earn their pen licence enabling them to use both handwriting pens and pencils in their work.
The letter-join writing scheme is used from nursery to y5 and the Nelson handwriting scheme in y6 (the Letter- Join scheme is being transitioned through school and will move through with the children).
Grammar lessons will be taught as a discrete aspect of English three times per week, building up to an independent write where children can showcase their understanding of the grammar and punctuation they have been taught.
We encourage the acquisition of new vocabulary through ‘Word of the Week’ these words are distributed by the school council members, each week. The children are encouraged to use these words in written or spoken communication. All teachers are expected to discuss and encourage discussions around vocabulary.
Phonics and Spelling
In KS1 Phonics will be taught as a discrete subject following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds scheme. Phonics mats and vocabulary banks are readily available for children to use to support spelling and written work. Children will be tested once a week on common exception words which will be given out during homework.
Speaking and Listening
Children will be taught to speak clearly and will be encouraged to convey ideas confidently using Standard English. They will be encouraged to explain their ideas, develop vocabulary and build their knowledge of the world around them through discussions and asking/ answering questions.
They will be taught the structure of sentences through oral rehearsal before writing.