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Thank you for your support with the Summer Fair on Friday.... very well attended and a brilliant atmosphere! End of year events this week and finish at 1.30pm Friday.

EYFS 3-5 Years

New Early Years online resources to promote the home learning environment. 

There is a new online resource to boost language and socio-emotional development in the early years. These are on NHS Better Health Start for Life website and are accessible via

MMR Pre-School letter for parents 2022

Curriculum Information

Nursery Provision - Ducklings Class




We are able to offer all three and four year olds fifteen free hours of nursery education per week in a class taught by a fully qualified teacher.  Children may access this provision from the start of the term after they have had their third birthday although some children may be able to start at the beginning of the term in which they become three if certain eligibility criteria are met.  




If you are looking for a place in our teacher led nursery class please come into school to collect an application form, please complete all the details and bring in the relevant documentation and we will be happy to look at an admission date for your child. If you have problems or queries please ring the school office on 01254 52815.


Parents of three and four year olds who work may be entitled to thirty hours of free childcare per week, providing certain eligibility criteria are met. Please speak to Mrs Ruth in the school office for more information.


Please click here to see the 30hr funding criteria.

Please contact the school office for further details on 01254 52815





Ducklings Class

Below you will find some information about our nursery staff, session times and uniform. 



Nursery Staff


Morning & Afternoon Nursery 
Mrs ForestNursery Teacher & Early Years Lead ( Monday & Tuesday) 
Mrs ClampNursery teacher (Wednesday to Friday)
Mrs DalviNursery Nurse
Miss HajatTeaching Assistant
Miss BartonApprentice



Session times


Morning nursery sessions run from 8.45am until 11.45am.

Afternoon nursery sessions run from 12.15pm until 3.15pm; although children may be collected at 3.10pm as this is when the main school finishes.


Please try to ensure that you are punctual at the beginning and end of a session. Arriving late can be unsettling for your child and disrupts the session for others. Young children can often get upset if they feel that they have been left behind at the end of the session when everyone else has gone.





Uniform consists of a red school sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo and a white polo shirt.

Children should wear black trousers or skirts which they can manage easily by themselves when they go to the toilet.  Shoes should be sturdy and suitable for running and climbing in outdoors.


Please send a complete set of spare clothes, including socks and underwear, to keep in nursery in case we have to change your child's clothes for any reason e.g. they are wet or have had something spilled on them.  These should be in a clearly named bag.


We go outside in most weathers so please make sure your child has a suitable coat, hat and gloves in winter and a sun hat in summer.



The Outdoor Classroom - Many thanks to EG Group for sponsoring this area

Oral Health support for your children



In England, tooth decay is remains a serious problem. Worrying findings from Public Health England’s survey of 5 year old children showed that a quarter (25%) of 5 year olds had experienced tooth decay, having on average 3 or 4 teeth affected.


What is even more worrying is the wide variation in the prevalence of tooth decay. The areas with poorer dental health tend to be in the north. The highest level of tooth decay was found in Blackburn and Darwen, where 56% of children aged 5 have tooth decay.


We know that tooth decay can have a negative impact on not only the child’s health, but also their wellbeing, and that of their family. Children with tooth decay can experience much pain and discomfort – this can affect their ability to eat, sleep, and play, all of which can disrupt their learning and development.


Ways in which parents / carers can help reduce tooth decay are:


Cutting down on sugar


One of the most important ways of reducing tooth decay in children is reducing the consumption of foods containing free sugars, especially between meals. Each time we eat food and drinks high in sugar, the bacteria in dental plaque produce acid that attacks teeth. If we consume eat or drink high-sugar products frequently throughout the day we have more acid attacks, which can lead to tooth decay.


Brushing teeth technique


Children about the need to brush their teeth at least twice daily with fluoride toothpaste (including last thing at night). 


Regular visits to the dentist


It is important that children visit the dentist when their first tooth appears, and then on a regular basis. 

 It is recommended that children should go to the dentist with their parents as soon as possible.

You should then take them regularly, as often as your dental team recommend. This will let them get used to the noises, smells and surroundings and prepare them for future visits. The earlier these visits start, the more relaxed the children will be.



By working together as a school and parents, we can play a vital role in protecting the teeth of our children.


How should I clean my child's teeth?


Cleaning your child's teeth should be part of their daily hygiene routine. You may find it easier to stand or sit behind your child, cradling their chin in your hand so you can reach their top and bottom teeth more easily.


  • When the first teeth start to appear, try using a toothbrush designed for children, with a small smear of fluoride toothpaste.

  • It is important to supervise your child's brushing until they are at least seven.

  • Once all the teeth have appeared, use a toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles in small, circular movements and try to concentrate on one section at a time.

  • Don't forget to brush gently behind the teeth and onto the gums.

  • Spit out after brushing and do not rinse, so that the fluoride stays on your teeth longer.
  • If possible, make brushing a routine - just before your child goes to bed and at least one other time during the day.

  • Remember to encourage your child, as praise will often get results!


Should I use fluoride toothpaste?


Your teeth can get fluoride in a number of different ways, including from toothpaste, specific fluoride applications and perhaps the drinking water in your area. These can all help to prevent tooth decay.

If you are unsure about how much fluoride you need in your toothpaste ask your dentist.

All children up to three years old should use a smear of toothpaste with a fluoride level.

After three years old, they should use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.

Children should be supervised when brushing up to the age of 7.

You should make sure that they do not rinse but spit out the toothpaste, and that they don't swallow any if possible. This way the fluoride stays in the mouth for longer and will be more effective.


What sort of brush should children use?


There are many different types of children's toothbrushes, including brightly coloured brushes, some that change colour, some with favourite characters on the handle, and some with a timer. These all encourage children to brush their teeth. The most important thing is to use a small-headed toothbrush with soft, nylon bristles, suitable for the age of your child.

Using a power toothbrush, suitable for the age of your child, can help to make brushing fun and make sure your child brushes for the correct amount of time.


How can I prevent tooth decay in my child?


The main cause of tooth decay is not the amount of sugar or acid in the diet, but how often it is eaten or drunk.

The more often your child has sugary or acidic foods or drinks, the more likely they are to have decay. So it is important to have sugary and acidic foods just at mealtimes.

If you want to give your child a snack, try to stick to cheese, vegetables and fruit.

Try to limit how much dried fruit you give as it is high in sugar.


Don't give them drinks containing sugars, including fruit juices, between meals. Give them water or milk instead. For babies, don't add sugar to their drinks, or to foods when you introduce them to solids.


Thorough brushing with a fluoride toothpaste last thing at night, and at least one other time during the day, will help to prevent tooth decay.


Fun songs to use with your children while they brush their teeth


