The implementation of the Charanga scheme of work enables our children to develop and progress their skills through the primary key stages. Teachers are able to confidently deliver music lessons by following a structure and progression of lessons increasing in depth throughout the key stages. The scheme involves the use of games, singing, instruments, improvisation and composition in lessons to:
Encourage the children to have fun and enjoy listening to different styles of music.
Recognise instruments and features of key musical styles.
Encourage confident discussion using accurate musical language.
We use a cycle of on-going teacher assessment and use the collection of attainment levels based on professional judgement and evidence gathered through learning opportunities at the beginning and end of year to monitor progress and attainment of our children.
Through our local Music Service, the Wider Opportunities programme is provided to all our children in the year 4 cohort. They have a year of instrumental tuition. These lessons are delivered by a Music Specialist from the Music Service and include gaining an Arts Award Discover Award throughout the year.
Additional opportunities for singing are provided through our KS2 choir. The choir runs as an after school club and is taught by two teachers in our school. This involves learning songs, singing techniques, musical notation and performing at an external venue with opportunities to work with various music specialist visitors throughout the year. This enables us to meet our intention to bring our community together through music alongside class assemblies, Nativities, performances and productions within school for our parents/carers, family and friends. These take part across all age groups to further embed singing and musical opportunities throughout school.