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At Intack Primary School, our Geography curriculum is planned to foster progression as children move through school on their journey to become skilled geographers. We have a broad and balanced curriculum which provides opportunities to undertake research, apply skills independently and demonstrate the acquisition of identified key knowledge and vocabulary.

The impact of our curriculum is measured through the use of the following methods:
-    Post learning activities, which are differentiated and age appropriate
-    Assessment of key vocabulary (recall and understanding)
-    Group discussions and presentations around points of learning (helping to develop oracy and confidence)

As children progress throughout school, they develop their knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their local area and are able to make comparisons with other places around the world. By the time that children come to the end of KS2 and are ready for the transition to secondary school, they will have developed a range of geographical skills which will enable them to explain aspects of physical and human geography, discuss the impact humans have made on the world and confidently use resources such as maps and atlases (physical and digital).
By the time they leave Intack Primary School, children’s knowledge and skills will have developed progressively to enable them to meet the expectations of the National Curriculum. We aspire that they will have also developed a love for the subject of Geography which will set them up for their secondary education and a lifetime of discovering new places and new life experiences.
