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Thank you for your support with the Summer Fair on Friday.... very well attended and a brilliant atmosphere! End of year events this week and finish at 1.30pm Friday.

Our Mission Statement


We are a warm and caring school. Everybody within our school is to feel secure, valued is to be treated with dignity and respect and to achieve their full potential.



  • We value the individual, their family and their place within our school, community, the UK and the wider world. We celebrate diversity.
  • We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, encompassing life skills, outdoor education, real life engaging opportunities and first-hand experience. We prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
  • We encourage all learners, staff, parents and carers and our community to work, learn and play together.
  • We promote the fundamental standards of behaviour British people are expected to respect including democracy, rule of law, mutual tolerance and respect of those with different faiths and beliefs.



As a community, we strive daily to achieve our vision of a school with happy and successful learners who are ‘Proud to belong.’
