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Maths At Intack Primary School-Implementation Statement


The approach to the teaching of mathematics within Intack school is based on the following key principles.


  • a mathematical lesson every day.


  • a clear focus on direct, instructional teaching, interactive oral work with the whole class/group, and offering pupils the chance to demonstrate new skills and learning.


  • an emphasis on developing the maths knowledge and reasoning skills of pupils and helping them in applying this to solve mathematical problems.


Children in the Foundation Stage are introduced to, taught and assessed in maths through the maths area in continuous provision. The objectives for the Foundation Stage are taken from the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, Development Matters.

Children in Key Stages 1 and 2 are taught between 3 ¾ and 5 hours of mathematics per week (45 to 60 minutes per day). Daily maths lessons will usually incorporate a taught skill or concept, however there may be times when methods or facts must be taught where the teaching style will be altered.

Within their planning teachers should demonstrate a mental arithmetic or quick fact recall starter, make reference to the learning objective, input tasks, grouping, support, outcomes and resources. ICT is used to support learning and teaching. The use of the mini-plenary approach is also used as a means of immediately correcting misconceptions during a lesson. Teachers must also include how they will encourage reasoning in each lesson, by indicating the questioning they intend to use.

A ‘fix-it time’ period should be worked into the daily lesson (preferably first thing), as a means of correcting mistakes by an individual child, or as a tool for the teacher to correct misconceptions within class/group settings. Children’s mistakes should be corrected in coloured pencil.

Through careful planning and preparation we aim to ensure that throughout the school children are given opportunities for:-


  • practical activities and mathematical games (utilising concrete resources where appropriate)


  • problem solving (including the use of Bar Modelling)


  • individual, group and whole class discussions and activities


  • open and closed tasks


  • selecting from a range of methods of calculating e.g. mental, pencil and paper arithmetic, drawings and jottings


  • working with computers as a mathematical tool


  • access to intervention programmes where appropriate


  • using and applying mathematics throughout all areas of the National Curriculum and in real life situations.


Planning is monitored by the mathematics subject leader and SLT. Teacher’s books are scrutinised termly by the Math’s Team in school. 

