Equality at Intack Primary School
Our Equality lead in school is Mrs F. Salisbury.
Our Equality governor is our Chair, Mr M Khan.
Our pupil Equality Champions are,
Evie M and Zainab (y6)
We meet twice very half-term to ensure that we are treating everyone fairly and that our school is a place where every person is 'seen' and everyone is valued and represented.
Promoting British Values at Intack Primary School
The Mayor and Mayoress visited us at Intack Primary school to talk to the children about how democracy works in Blackburn. Having walked around school, they were really impressed with how hard the children worked and said how lovely and peaceful school was. Well done everybody!
The School Council then visited the Mayor and Mayoress at Blackburn Town Hall and we all learnt (including the teachers) a little bit more about the history of democracy in Blackburn. We also visited the Mayor's Chambers and the children looked at where the Councillors in Blackburn hold their meetings to discuss important issues!
We had an amazing morning!