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Thank you for your support with the Summer Fair on Friday.... very well attended and a brilliant atmosphere! End of year events this week and finish at 1.30pm Friday.



Reading at Intack Primary School - Statement of Intent


  • To ensure early reading is underpinned by good quality phonics teaching.
  • We will provide opportunities for children to read across the curriculum to develop knowledge of the world and themselves.
  • To provide opportunities and enthuse children to develop a desire to read for pleasure.
  • To allow children to read a variety of text types such as magazines, newspaper, books, comics and eBooks.
  • To ensure children are given a range of reading opportunities through a carousel approach to provide a balance between word recognition and comprehension knowledge and skills.
  • To encourage children to use the taught independent strategies to self-monitor and correct their own and peers reading.
  • To ensure children read widely across both fiction and non-fiction texts to develop an understanding of story structure, characters and a growing vocabulary for a variety of topics.
  • To provide adequate provisions, differentiated guided reading opportunities and focused teaching interventions to close the gap.
  • By the end of KS1, most children will be able to read fluently and confidently.
