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Thank you for your support with the Summer Fair on Friday.... very well attended and a brilliant atmosphere! End of year events this week and finish at 1.30pm Friday.


Equality at Intack Primary School


Our Equality lead in school is Mrs F. Salisbury.

Our Equality governor is our chair, Mr M. Khan.


Our pupil Equality Champions are,

Head boy - Eesaa - year 6,

Head girl - Mishall Year 6 

Deputy head boy - Martins -year 6

Deputy head girl - Mariam - year 6


Year 5 champion - Keevie

Year 5 champion - Evie


We meet twice very half-term to ensure that we are treating everyone fairly and that our school is a place where every person is 'seen' and everyone is valued and represented.



Equality Statement 2022 - 2023
