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Great Britain Week

This week we are celebrating ‘Great Britain’. This is part of our SMSC (Spiritual, Moral Social and Cultural) work. The children will be finding out about democracy, law, liberty, respect and tolerance which form the British Values, part of our national curriculum. Activities during the week will include food, music, the Royal family and National anthem, government, famous people, people who help us, landmarks, Blackburn and the north west of England alongside our country and Britain as a whole. On Thursday a visitor will be helping us to create our own song to celebrate our country, cultures and values. On Friday we are welcoming a visitor into school who will be working with the children during an assembly and with classes finding out about all the different religions and cultures that make up our country. Friday will also be a celebration of our week and we hope children will come in red, white and blue non uniform. More details about the non-uniform will be sent out.
