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Happy Half-Term ...Stay Safe...

Behaviour Expectations



We respect all people and all things.

(We aren’t rude, aggressive, or hurtful)


We work hard and try our best.

(We don’t waste our talents)


We move around school carefully and sensibly.

(We don’t run in school)


We are always in the right place at the right time.

(We don’t leave without permission)


We listen to others.

(We don’t interrupt or distract)


We are always honest.

(We don’t cover up the truth)


In Key Stage 1, children use the Good to be Green chart to promote positive behaviour and to give children the chance to think about the choices they are making.

In key stage 2 we use positive reward strategies to encourage 'good' behaviour. Each class has Dojos that are set up into house point teams. Each week, children are told about how their team is progressing, as there are rewards for reaching certain markers. Focusing on a child's positive behaviour is much more effective, rather than emphasising what you don't want them to do!
