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Happy Half-Term ...Stay Safe...

Year 6

Summer Term


This term, the children will be learning about wildlife around the local area and why animals and plants thrive in different areas. We will be focussing on minibeasts and their habitats; this will include encouraging biodiversity by creating more habitats around the Forest School site and helping to keep it litter free. We are hoping to harvest some of the fruits and vegetables we have planted in the raised beds and looking at different ideas on what to do with them. 

Spring Term


This term we have been learning about how to prepare the ground for planting and different things we can plant at different times of the year. The children have been planting vegetable seeds and discussing what we could cook with them once they have grown. We have been learning about animal habitats and what we can do to protect them as well as the affects of global warming. The children continue to learn about deciduous and evergreen trees and British birds that they may come across. 

Autumn Term


Year 6 this term, the children have been revisiting the rules of Forest School and how to keep themselves and each other safe. They have been exploring the Forest School site at Intack and all the plants and creatures which live there. The children have been learning about different birds and trees, as well as observing the changes we may see in Autumn and learning about deciduous and evergreen trees.
